Monday, November 25, 2013

Do I Have To?

I'm going to be honest: I don't want to blog tonight.

It's late and I want to go to bed.

There are several things I would like to write about, and in a few days I probably will write about those things, but it takes time, it takes brain power and it takes eyes that are open more than a slit.

This is a very busy time of year. I've got community choir, dinner theater practice, Eva's Thanksgiving feast, the community Thanksgiving feast, Hanging of the Greens... the list goes on. And I'm not totally sure why I thought I could throw NaBloPoMo in the mix. But I did and now I have to blog...everyday.

It would be easy to not blog tonight. I could totally be in bed right now. But what would that say to my kids? Not that they would ever know, but I would know.
I signed up to post every single day of the month and post I will.
NOW I can go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. You are so dedicated! Just catching up… love reading your posts :)
