Saturday, October 26, 2013

DIY Halloween Costumes

Halloween is fast approaching, and over the last several months my kids have gone back and forth about what they wanted to be. Daddy said no scary costumes which include Dracula or Frankenstein's Monster (which I personally don't mind). What I do mind is paying upwards of $30 for one costume that they will wear one time. Ain't gonna do it!
Fast forward to tonight. The sheriff's department is putting on a trunk-or-treat, but we still don't have costumes.
Davis thought he might want to be a pirate. He made an awesome hook out of aluminum foil, fished the pirate hat and eye patch out of the dress up box and, boom, we had a pirate. But a pirate can't walk around in jeans and a t-shirt so we went into Daddy's closet for a shirt that might work. But after looking at the shirt he realized he looked like a mad scientist. There ya go. A little hairspray, medical gloves and an evil looking mustache (made from eyeliner) later, we were looking at Frankenstein himself. (Remember, Frankenstein was the scientist NOT the green guy. That was his monster.)

Eva wanted to be a kitty. We attached construction paper ears to a wide headband. She found a black swimsuit and wore it over her shirt and leggings. A little eyeliner for her and we had a nose and whiskers.
Lincoln knew pretty early on he wanted to be Harry Potter. We recycled Darth Vader's cloak into Harry's robe and found a toy wand. Several years ago, my awesome sister-in-law knitted me a scarf in Griffindor's colors of gold and scarlet, so our Harry borrowed that and we added eyeliner glasses and the all important scar.
I went as a pirate since Davis decided not to. Leggings, tall boots, a belted loose shirt, and a pirate hat was all I needed to set sail. Arrrgh, matey.
Trunk-or-treat was a blast and the kids made costumes that rivaled the store bought ones. I wonder what they'll come up with next year? I'm also curious, what costumes will you be wearing?


  1. My mom used to make all of my costumes. Now I see my mother in law spending $50 (at kmart even!) on a costume for my step-daughter and I cringe. Why? She'll never wear it again?!?!?

    1. It must be a grandma thing. My mom has no problem shelling out the big bucks for costumes, but we have a dress-up box where a lot of the costumes go and they end up props in plays or being used whenever someone feels the need to be a superhero. I'm glad they're being used, but the prices are insane
