Parenting is hard. I've said it before and I'll say it again. But as hard as it is, parenting totally has its high points. Here's a list of my favorite parenting highlights
- a baby's chubby arms wrapping around my neck
- giggles
Photo courtesy of Jessica Heard |
- hearing a child say, "I love you"
- seeing smiles as they enjoy a meal I worked hard to make
- watching their faces light up when daddy walks through the door
- learning my favorite movies have become some of their favorites (As you wish!)
- hearing them repeat a life lesson to a sibling when I was convinced that same lesson had gone in one ear and out the other
- baking with my babies
- watching them sleep

- listening to them pray, especially when they pray for each other
So I'm curious, what are some of
your favorite parenting moments?
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